Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Skirts are amazing. They can look so professional at the office and so chic out on the town. It's that alternative garment to pants, dresses or shorts. There are pencil skirts, maxi skirts, mini skirts and hoop skirts all of which are fine but I have set out to find the perfect summer skirt for my wardrobe.

I have pencil skirts. Two in black. But I wanted something with a print. I wanted something light in weight and something that would go summer tops. I wanted to dress it up and dress it down. I wanted it comfortable and easy and I did not want it short. I wanted something with a retro look and I was not limiting my self to just vintage.

In my search for the perfect summer skirt I checked out Goodwill. They had plenty of denim! I skipped that rack and went right for the multicolored rack of skirts. After browsing the entire rack, I ended up finding just one. Normally I would consider this a bad thing but I really liked the skirt! It was black and white gingham with fabric covered buttons down the front. It was long and it most def had a retro vibe even though it was from the 80's! At 4.99... it was mine! I knew it would look great with a red, black or white summer tops paired with my wedges!

Thrifted Vtg Black n White Gingham Skirt: $4.99
The next day the hubs and I went to a few estate sales. I was excited about one of them because my mother in law had went the day before and said they had a lot of jewelry. This excited me because I always hope to be one of those lucky gals that finds Bakelite for a bargain. Unfortunately this was NOT the case at this sale. There was ALOT of jewelry however none of it was vintage :(  Sometimes I still browse and end up finding something but the lady that was running it (she was no professional!) was making me VERY nervous. She must have had 5 people working with her and they had a LOT of stuff. She seemed to get freaked out by having a few customers in her area at the same time and she would yell out to the lady at the door NOT to let anyone else in. She kept doing this and was so flustered I just did not feel comfortable browsing and had to move on. I wanted to tell someone that she was making it hard for people to enjoy the sale. Oh... and there was also some sort of animal...a cat I think .. locked behind a door.. that would HISS and make creepy noises!
I did not buy anything!
We stumbled upon another sale that had some really cool furniture and other things. I saw that they had some clothes out in the back yard. I rummaged through it and found nothing too interesting at first but then saw a glimpse of something TROPICAL! I pulled at it and saw that it was ... A skirt!
This skirt was not vintage but the vibe was so perfect and I knew I could pair it with my summer tops
and vintage straw vacation totes!  I loved the colors and the buttery soft fabric. It felt TIKI to me!
I'm not sure how much it was (hubs paid for our loot) but I think it was only .75!
Estate Sale Find Retro Tropical Skirt: .75
That estate sale was much sweeter and we ended up running into my mother in law who then took us to a few more sales! I ended up finding a vintage hair dryer for 5.00 at another sale! It's the kind you sit under! Now I must find some rollers and set my hair! Beauty night I come!
The Retro Glam Girl

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