Thursday, May 16, 2013


Getting our Marriage License
We are near our 1 year anniversary so I thought I would take a little time
and introduce you to my husband. That's Bobby in the photo with me. We took that photo while standing in line to get our marriage license at the court house last year.
I met Bobby in 2008 but our history goes back even further. Bobby and  I attended the same high school and lived in the same city. We were both well aware of who we both were but our paths just never crossed. Bobby was a popular guy and very athletic while I was the type of girl who rather date the not so social boy with the cool vespa.
One day in 2008 I received an email from Bobby via Classmates. I must confess that when I read it , I mistook him for another Bobby. One that I actually went on a date with. When I realized that was NOT the Bobby I dated..I was a little embarrassed however I was also flattered as we both had never talked before and he still remembered me.
At first it was all emails then that grew to a phone call and then we decided to meet for coffee. I still can remember that day as if it were yesterday. We had vanilla ice coffee and as I sat and talked with him something strange had happened. As he spoke, I saw a bunch of pictures flash by in my mind as if I saw my life flashing before me. I saw holidays and memories we both were meant to have and although I know this sounds cliché, It was then that I knew he was the ONE. You hear it all the time how someone says they JUST KNEW and though I never thought that it could happen to me, it did.
He went to a party after our meeting where he spent the majority of the time texting me. It was summer time and we were embarking on a new found friendship and though we wouldn't know it yet our lives would mirror each other and a closeness would soon begin.
In November of 2008 we both were laid off of work. Him first then me. Though most would see this as a difficult time (and it was) it actually brought us closer. We spent many a days together, thrift store shopping and selling items on Ebay to make extra money. We sold vintage at flea markets and always had the best time waking up at the crack of dawn to do so. We still looked for other jobs and wouldn't find them for another year.
We had the BEST dates, the kind that seldom call for much money. My favorite of all dates was when he took me to a building in Down Town LA for a roof top showing of SAY ANYTHING (which is a favorite movie of mine). He also packed a mini picnic of cheese, fruit and crackers and brought along all the ingredients to make me French Martinis.
We were crafty souls and often enjoyed venturing out to Michael's with coupons in search of items to make snow globes, ornaments or whatever crafty project we wanted to try. Our nights were sometimes spent just talking of the old days and what it was like to grow up in our town. This was always special as we both did the same things and went to the same places. During all of this I couldn't help but think that the boy I had always searched for was always in my own back yard.
We dated and fell more in love and then one summer day in 2010 Bobby took me on a trip to Santa Barbara.
He made a reservation in a lovely restaurant where we sipped martinis and had a run in with the actor
Alan Thick.
He booked us at the sweetest hotel that was said to belong to Charlie Chaplin in the 1920's
It was all the makings of a lovely trip!
After dinner we went to have another cocktail out on the veranda of a little sweet tavern
and it was there... that Bobby asked me to marry him.
And... I said Yes.
A year later and whole lot of planning, we were married :)

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